About J7 Media
Ep.354 - Alex Brisson - Managing a company with nearly 1,000 employees after almost losing everything
How to Analyze Competitors on Facebook Ads (excerpt from the J7 Academy)
Ep.43. iOS14 : Notre réaction à chaud de notre rencontre avec Facebook
Ep.93 - Khalil Zahar - Getting 100M in financing with Mike Tyson, Georges St-Pierre and Mayweather as investors
Ep.315 - Navaid Mansuri - From 10 million to 100 million in revenues in just 5 years: the story of "Dialogue"
How to choose your Facebook Ads campaign objective
Ep.338 - Étienne Boulay - Running 5 companies after being a professional athlete
Ep. 24. Facebook Ads : How to audit your Facebook advertising account (part 2)
Ep.197 - Is a company a family or a sports team?
Ep.105 - Anie Rouleau - Building a growing green company that is B-Corp certified
Ep.342 - Rosanne Giguère - Acquiring 25 restaurants in a single transaction and managing 1,000 employees: The story of "À la Bouffe"
Ep. 3 - How to manage a digital marketing agency in Brooklyn
Ep.333 - Post Mortem: Over $27,000 invested in the hypergrowth panel
The Sales Funnel or how to make $220K a month
Ep: 39 - Philippe Desgagnés - Taking over a Company - A Simpler Alternative Leading to Hypergrowth
Ep.239 - Apple can now enter the G8 and the repercussions of Bill C-18
Ep: 20 - Marco Bernard - The Structure to Follow to Generate $200,000/month Only With a Podcast!
Ep.396 - DeepSeek: The Chinese AI That Costs 30x Less Than OpenAI!
The secret to all Facebook Ads campaigns...
FR-Ep 5 - Amazon : Les 14 étapes pour commercialiser son produit
Ep.158 - Claude Auchu - How Lg2 became the largest independent creative agency in Canada
10 questions on Facebook Ads (Audience, Pixel, Budget, ...)
Ep.325 - Dominic Gagnon - Does entrepreneurship make you crazy?
Ep:07 - Renoquotes.ca - Doubling Your Revenues Every Year Thanks to Search engine Dominance with Michel Jodoin, CEO
Ep. 80 - Hyper Commerce After Show
Ep.324 - Announcing the second panel of our Live Hypergrowth Event
Facebook Ads: The Last Piece of the Puzzle...
Ep: 43 - Hypergrowth - Two Pieces of Business-Related Content Perfect for Fall
Ep.399 - Olivier Joyal - Reaching $22 Billion in Market Cap and 70,000 Employees: The Story of WSP (REPLAY)
Ep.132 - Catherine Dagenais - How Catherine Dagenais became CEO of the SAQ
Ep.329 - Gary & Kevin Pillu - How to break into the U.S. and build an international business
Ep.330 - Vincent Nicoletti - Buying out the family business and doubling sales in just 7 years
Ep: 10 - Xpertsea - How to Raise $10 Million in Financing For Your Company
How to Reduce Your Facebook Ads Costs (Case Study)
Ep.108 - Business Panel - The Future of Financial Services and Fintechs with Julien Brault and Félix Deschatelets (Part 2)
Ep.259 - Patrick Decostre - How to run a $3.4 billion company, the Boralex story
Dans la tête d'un pro de publicité Facebook
Ep.388 - Francis Desrochers - How to Unlock $1 Million in Grants for Your Business
Ep: 57 - Nicolas Duvernois - How to Successfully Work From Home in 2020
Ep.292 - BYD overtakes Tesla in sales and the lawsuit between Open AI and the New York Times
Ep.339 - How Jonathan Léveillé managed to sell a department of his company
Our April 2022 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.290 - Our predictions for 2024
Facebook Ads Creatives (in 10 Questions)
Ep.404 - Serge Harnois - From 30M to 3 BILLION liters sold: the explosive growth of Harnois Énergies
Ep.144 - Julie Roy - How to add 750 employees to your company through growth by acquisition
Ep.192 - Charles Boulanger - Raising over $300 million to revolutionize the automotive industry (part 1)
Ep.113 - Lucas Martinez - Building a company with more than $150M in annual revenue, the story of Talent.com
Our May 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Pt. 2)
Ep.210 - Stéphanie Gareau - How to triple an organization in a few years and positively impact society
Ep.257 - Charles Milliard - How the FCCQ represents the interests of 50,000 businesses across Quebec
How to choose your Facebook Ads audience
Ep.301 - Alexandra Oberson - Taking over a company with 60 years of history, the story of Alexandra Oberson
Ep.70 - Facebook Ads x iOS14 : Nos premiers tests
Ep.214 - Vincent Godcharles - 4 acquisitions in 2 years to grow from 200 to 500 employees
Ep.228 - Ghislain Larochelle - Building a real estate empire with over 425 addresses to his name
Ep.114 - Business Panel – Building rapidly-growing companies with small teams with Carolyn Rousseau and Jeremiah Curvers (Part 1)
Ep.139 - Henri-Charles Machalani - How Mistplay will reach 100 million in annual revenue by 2022
Ep.371 - Over 250,000 people reached in 15 days with Histoires de Foot
Ep.161 - Alison Green - How to build a franchise with 40 branches across Quebec
Ep.258 - My appearance on the Libe 45 podcast where I explain the story behind the J7 Group
Ep.103 - Guillaume Roy - How GSoft Will Achieve $100 million in revenue this year
Ep.256 - Why launch our podcasts in video format and Open AI reaches 1 billion in revenues
Episode 363 - Hugo Perrin - Building a Business with 25,000 Clients, The Story of Cvert
7 Tips for Rapidly Scaling Your Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads: We receive a BOSS in the field!
Ep.69 - Facebook Ads : 6 campagnes pour e-commerce
5 Facebook Ads mistakes to avoid in 2024!
Which Facebook Ads campaign Objective Should You Choose? (10 popular questions)
p:01 - Netlift - How to Increase the Number of Users on Your App to Eliminate Traffic Congestion, with CEO Marc-Antoine Ducas and CMO Éric Noël
Ep.240 - Cédric Morisset - How "La Cordée" went into hypergrowth, opening 3 branches in the last 14 months
6 facebook retargeting strategies to boost your revenues x40
Ep.148 - What impact will Bill 96 have on businesses' ability to recruit?
Our October 2021 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.117 - Danièle Henkel - A look back on a 25 year career in business
Our September 2021 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.181 - The fall of FTX and the world of cryptocurrency
Ep.15. Influencer Marketing : best tips from a pro
8 questions you may have about Facebook Ads!
10 Questions About Facebook Ads Budgets
Ep.61 - Business Column - 4 Techniques For Starting a Business
Ep.213 - Italy bans ChatGPT and what can we expect from artificial intelligence in the future?
How To Take Over a Facebook Ads Account
Ep.112 - Business Panel - The current state of e-commerce with William Giroux and Anthony Vendrame (part 2)
Ep.372 - Carl Viel - 90 Employees and 29,000 International Talents: The Impact of Québec International
Ep.170 - Ryan Hillier - Building the 73rd fastest growing company in Canada while revolutionizing the legal industry
Our November 2021 Facebook Ads Tests (part 2)
Ep: 23 - Étienne Lessard - The Story Behind Remax’s Number 1 Real Estate Broker
Ep.307 - Stéphane Garneau - Transforming a company to reach 200 million in annual revenues
3 New Indicators for Your Facebook Ads
Ep.230 - Jean-Claude Renaud - Building an international e-commerce company with sales of over 20M
Ep.344 - Mélissa Harvey - Growing 40% year after year, after 20 years in business
Ep. 7 - Facebook Ads : 5 Facebook remarketing strategies
Ep.382 - Simon Lemay - From $0 to $25M: The Journey of Authentik Canada
Comment vendre avec l’Outbound Marketing - entretien avec Olivier Lambert
Ep: 18 - Hypergrowth - $200 Million in Wealth Management in Only 5 Years
Ep. 82 - Ce que vous deviez savoir sur Facebook en Septembre
Ep.253 - Rémi Tremblay - Making 100 million in sales and 14 million pounds of coffee a year, the Café William story
4 Must-Try Tests for Your Facebook Ads
Ep.212 - Maxime Soweif - Building a company with over 6 million in revenues in only 3 years
Ep.70 - Louis-Félix Boulanger -The Story of BonLook, on its way to becoming One of Quebec’s Finest Companies
Ep.84 - Les questions les plus posées sur Facebook part. 2 (Q4 2021)
The 16 KPIs you should be tracking for your Facebook Campaigns
Ep.183 - How to turn expenses into profits
Ep.277 - Dany Papineau - Revolutionizing the cottage rental industry
Ep.129 - Louis Garneau - 36 years of happiness and 36 months of misfortune
3 Facebook Ads Actions to Implement for Your E-Commerce (Case Study)
Ep.362 - Do you have to bring your employees into the office 5 days a week?
We discover a new Facebook ad ( excerpt from the J7 Academy)
Why is Facebook Ads costing more and more?
How to Make Your Facebook Group Profitable
Ep.387 - Hypergrowth Panel: Our Learnings from 2024 and Strategies for 2025 with Simon de Baene, Hugo Perrin, and Jonathan Léveillé
Ep.271 - Wilfried Granier - Building a tech company with 42 million in annual revenues without external capital
Ep: 28 - Seth Rosen - Acquirising Businesses; An Effective Method for Hypergrowth
Ep.237 - Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft outage and the Beatles' AI revival?
10 Facebook Ads Questions
Starting from scratch with Facebook Ads (part. 2)
How The Facebook Pixel Could Change Your Business Forever
Ep.156 - Jordan Arshinoff - Building an 18 Million Dollar Business in a Super Competitive Industry
Ep. 26. Facebook Ads: The New $150,000 Sales Funnel We Just Discovered
Ep. 375 - Google in Danger: Consumers Are Turning to New Alternatives, with Jonathan Léveillé
Facebook Ads and Black Friday 2024: 7 Tips for Beginners
Ep.83 - Les questions les plus posées sur Facebook part. 1 (Q4 2021)
Ep.80 - Philippe Vachon - How to Sell your Marketing Agency and Build a Multi-Million Dollar E-commerce
Ep. 81 - Facebook ads X iOS14 - Nos tests de septembre 2021
Ep.191 - Cyril Marques - Building a $6 million business in just 2 years
Ep:04 - BigBang ERP - 307% Growth Over 2 Years and a Position Among the Fastest Growing Startups in Canada, with Gabriel Tupula Yamba, CEO
Facebook Media Buyer = Business Partner?
Ep: 42 - Éric Naaman - How to Become Quebec’s “Dream Boss” By Building a Recognized Employer Brand
Ep.60 - Hypergrowth's Best of 2020 Part 2
Ep.169 - Peloton's rollercoaster story and a Follow-Up of the Elon Musk/Twitter Saga
6 key rules for taking over a Facebook Ads account without making mistakes (REPOST)
Ep.366 - OpenAI at 157 billion: The hidden stakes behind the next technological revolution
Ep:05 - Flight Claim - 500% Growth Month after Month! How to Create an Innovative Company and Experience Tremendous Growth Without Prior Experience with Jacob Charbonneau, CEO
This Facebook Ads tool lets you perfectly analyze your account (Replay)
Ep: 32 - Rib'N Reef Steakhouse - The Future of the Restaurant Industry in the “Post-COVID” Era According to Peter Katsoudas
Ep.72 - Mélissa Normandin Roberge - Behind the scenes of a $2 million launch
Ep.356 - Are tradeshows good for business development?
Ep: 46 - Mélissa Lambert - The Side Effects of an Appearance on Dragon’s Den
Ep: 34 - Luc Filiatrault - How to Build 4 Publicly Traded Companies
3 Facebook Ads Optimizations to Lower Your Costs
Ep: 41 - Guillaume Bouchard - How to Sell Your Business with an “Earn Out”
Ep.355 - Hugues Foltz - How Vooban became Canada's largest private AI firm in 5 years
Ep.245 - Building an effective strategic retreat
5 Steps to Facebook Laser Targeting
Ep.381 - Behind the Scenes of the Hypercroissance 2.0 Podcast with Jonathan Léveillé
Selling courses for €2,000 with Facebook Ads
How to Start a Facebook Ads Account From 0
Ep.193- Charles Boulanger - Raising over $300 million to revolutionize the automotive industry (part 2)
Ep.131 - Dany Angers - How Vosker reached over 100 million in sales in only 3 years
90% increase in Facebook Ads budget (Lead Gen Case Study)
Ep.198 - Éric Gagné - From best baseball pitcher in the world to entrepreneur
Danilo Duchesnes : Comment vendre des prestations de services numériques
5 Facebook Ads visuals you can make yourself
Ep: 50 - Sina Mobasser - How to Raise $10 Million in Financing During a Pandemic
Ep.276 - Wework, formerly valued at 47 billion, goes bankrupt...
Entering a new geographic market with Facebook Ads
Ep.63 - Judith Fetzer - How to generate 60 million in revenues for your business in only 6 years
Ep: 54 - Martin Dutou - Managing 7 Companies in 10 Years, Martin Dutou’s Story
Ep.182 - Martin Coulombe - Building the 185th fastest growing company in Canada and incubating a technology project at the same time
Ep.168 - Martin Lavallée - Successfully merging a company after 26 years of management
Ep: 26 - Olivier Brett - The Hypergrowth experienced by Quebec’s Soccer Industry
Ep.179 - The 3-day week and the employer/employee dynamic at the end of 2022
Ep.225 - "The great resignation is becoming the big stay
Ep.79 - Adrien Chaltiel - How to Invest in More Than a Dozen Successful Companies
Facebook Ads Strategy for SAAS businesses
Ep: 49 - Republik - How to Negotiate Between Social Impact, Profitability, and Environmental Concerns
Ep: 03 - David Grégoire - Managing Millions of Dollars in Investments
Ep.310 - How to succeed on LinkedIn in 2024
Ep.87 - Dominic Gagnon - How to work with global giants like the Superbowl and the Olympics
Ep.229 - Learning how to learn and how to help your employees continously learn
Ep.241 - The government stops advertising on Meta, Threads reaches 100 million users and interest rates rise
This type of e-commerce is growing... (DNVB study)
Ep.283 - Frédérik Guérin - From 5 to 25 million in sales in 10 years
Facebook Ads Sales Funnels (PACSO)
Ep.360 - We reveal the launch of a SAAS project at J7 Media!
The Ultimate Facebook Ads Structure to Start Strong and Error-Free
Ep.359 - David Beauchemin - How Baseline is revolutionizing AI for Quebec SMBs
Ep.304 - Lyft gains 67% in value by mistake, Trump launches shoes and Tesla sets up shop in Texas?
Ep.378 - Alexandre Renaud - How Nolk Acquired 9 E-commerce Businesses Since 2017
Ep.279 - Germain Lamonde - Exfo's hypergrowth: Building a company with 400 million in annual revenues
Ep:12 - Serge Beauchemin - The 9 Steps to Follow to Successfully Sell Your Company - Part 01
Ep.107 - William Giroux - Building an online business with $10M in sales in only 5 years
Ep: 37 - Nikolai Ray - From homelessness to hypergrowth with 3 different businesses
Ep.94 - Sébastien Fiset - Building A Fast-Growing Brand with a Small Team
Our January 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Part 2)
Ep.309 - Louis Brun - Changing an industry and becoming a world leader in the category: the story of Sollum
Ep.297 - Karima Ben Abdelmalek - From 0 to 140 million users, the story of Happn
Ep.151 - Sebastien Abbatiello - How Pizza Salvatore opened 41 restaurants in just 3 years
The Winning Facebook Ads Strategy For This E-Commerce
Ep.165 - Stéphanie Poitras - Building a company with 500 employees that sells its products in 50 countries
Our July 2021 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.351 - Charles Boulanger - Raising $300 million to revolutionize the automotive industry (REPEAT)
Ep.199 - The digital nomad: should you adopt this approach for your company?
Ep.347 - Integrating AI into our businesses with Olivier Blais, Jonathan Léveillé and David Proulx
The 5 Pillars of a Facebook Ads Campaign: The Audience
Ep.157 - Nicolas Beaupré - How Mateina became the leader in Yerba Mate in Quebec
Ep.243 - China on the wane, interest rates at 5% and what to expect from quarterly results with Cimon Plante
Ep.232 - Éloïse Harvey - Buying, merging and building a company that makes 100M in annual sales
Incredible Lead Gen Technique for Facebook Ads (Case Study)
Ep. 85 - La grosse annonce de Facebook…
6 Tips for Getting Started Effectively with Facebook Ads
Ep.130 - Philippe Meunier - How Sid Lee became one of the largest creative agencies in the world
FR-Ep. 9 - Facebook Ads : un lancement à 5 millions de dollars
Ep.255 - Marilyne Gagné - How Dermapure will reach 200M in sales in 2023
Facebook Ads attribution is deceiving you...
Comment acquérir de nouveaux clients en 14 jours seulement
Ep.118 - Sévrine Labelle - Helping More Than 1200 Companies Across Quebec via Evol
Ep.207 - What caused the SVB bank to fail and what can we expect next?
Ep.119 - Maxime Thériault - Taking over a family business and hiring nearly 400 employees
Ep.99 - Jeremiah Curvers - $15 million in annual revenue in 5 years: The Polysleep story
Ep.406 - Rémi Racine - 60 million players, 1 billion in revenues: Behaviour Interactive's Success Story
Ep: 40 - Emma - How to Bring a Fintech to Hypergrowth with Félix Deschatelets
Ep.22. Facebook Ads : How to audit your Facebook advertising account (part 1)
Ep. 116 - Business Panel – Building rapidly-growing companies with small teams with Carolyn Rousseau and Jeremiah Curvers (Part 2)
Ep.189 - ChatGPT, the biggest breakthrough from the last 20 years?
Ep.291 - Elias Farah - Building a SAAS generating 40 million in ARR, the story of Medfar
Ep.89 - Business Column - Amazon Unbound, The Creation of a Global Empire
7 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Facebook Agency
Ep.282 - How to get your employees to post on LinkedIn and promote your company
Ep.219 - How to renew your business model in uncertain times
Ep. 1 - Facebook Ads Results 45 Days After Covid
Ep. 85 - Business Column - How much is your company really worth?
Ep.97 - Romain Collignon - How to Create a Renown Mastermind Program
Ep.121 - Dominic Dubé - How Evive reached $30 million in revenues in less than 7 years
Ep.274 - Atlassian buys Loom for $975 million
Ep.11. Facebook Ads : How to scale your advertising budget to 1000$/day
Ep.306 - From $100 to $400 million: the incredible story behind Warren Buffet's profits
Why You Should Start on Facebook Ads Now
Ep.95 - Jean-Philippe Béïque - 7 consecutive years in the top 500 fastest growing companies in Canada
Ep.96 - Dominique Brown - Conquering the world one business at a time!
Why the Learning Phase is Crucial for Your Facebook Ads Results
Ep:27 - Coco Village - From 0 to 7 Figures in Monthly Revenue in Just 18 months
FR-Ep. 3 - Comment générer plus de ventes que le Noël précédent avec 2.5X moins de budget publicitaire
Covid-19: Is E-commerce in danger
Ep.384 - Sébastien Mailhot - $40M in Revenue and $2M in Quarterly Profits: The Unexpected Success of D-Box
Ep.224 - Martin Boucher - Building a retail empire by leading a team of 1100 employees
B Ep.10. Professional tips for your subscription website in 2020
Ep.262 - The 3 elements that are working well for our clients in September 2023
Ep.150 - The 5 things that high performance teams do differently than other companies
Facebook Ads tips to boost your budget to €1,000/day
Ep. 102 - Nos tests de l'Escouade Facebook Ads
Ep.125 - Mathieu Allaire - How Agendrix Reached 6 Million in Annual Recurring Revenue With Zero Resignations in 7 Years
Ep.71 - Facebook Ads x iOS14 : Nos premiers tests
Ep.328 - GPT-4o: Everything you need to know
Ep.349 - Our favorite marketing books (REPLAY)
How to integrate a Facebook Ads campaign in 2024
7 Tips for Rapidly Scaling Your Facebook Ads (REPOST)
Ep.104 - Panel d'affaires - The future of financial services and fintechs, with Julien Brault and Félix Deschatelets
Ep.91 - The 3 best Hypergrowth excerpts from 2021 so far
Ep.252 - The difference between Canadian and European work culture
p.353 - Charles Boulanger - Raising over $300 million to revolutionize the automotive industry (part 2) (REPEAT)
Ep. 8 - Facebook Ads : 3.5X more results by simplifying your ad account
Our December 2021 Facebook Ads Tests (part.1)
Ep.166 - Kim Bennour - Taking 200 Entrepreneurs to the Sahara Desert To Meet Themselves
Instagram : Comment utiliser Instagram à son avantage en 2020 avec Charlie Fernandez
Ep.138 - Alexandre Bérard - Creating a mobile application with 15 million subscribers worldwide
The 5 Facebook Ads metrics to monitor
Ep. 9 - Facebook Ads : How to generate 25X more results with the Instant Experience feature
Ep.146 - How can the fall of technology companies impact our businesses?
Ep.82 - David Girard - How Rapidly Growing Companies Manage their Human Resource Departments
Boosting Your Facebook Sales With A Lead Magnet
Ep.160 - Vacation for Entrepreneurs and "Quiet Quitting"
La publicité la plus facile à faire sur Facebook en 5 minutes
What to do when your Facebook Ads webinar isn't converting?
Quickly analyze your Facebook Ads account with this tool (Ads Reporting)
Ep.111 - Marie-Josée Richer - Creating a leading company with a progressive business model
Ep.34 - Facebook Ads: How to Diversify Your Ads in 3 Steps
4 conseils de Facebook pour la saison des fêtes
Ep.37 - Digital Ads Summit (LIVE Event)
Ep.73 - Pascal Meyer - Building a $100+ Million Dollar Business without External Financing
Ep.14. SMS Marketing: A Hidden Gem?
Ep.317 - Carl Goyette - From 5 million to 30 million in annual revenues, the story of Guru
Ep.316 - Official Announcement: All about the first live Hypergrowth Event
Ep.187 - Our predictions for 2023 in Quebec's business world
Ep.204 - Daniel Drapeau - Buying an organization and growing it by over 600%, the Miralis story
How to build a good webinar (Lead Gen)
Ep.175 - Technology companies' quarterly results and what to expect for Q4 2022
Convertir un acheteur en 6 étapes, sans jamais vendre
Ep.195 - Luc Filiatreault - Reviving a business by making a $92M acquisition, the story of MDF Commerce (REPEAT)
Ep.88 - François-Jérôme Gosselin - From 17 to 50 Employees in Only a Few Months
7 ways to reduce your acquisition costs on facebook
Why restructure your Facebook Ads account?
Ep.231 - Marie-Christine Bourdon - Building a beauty empire, the story of Beauty Group
Ep.123 - Luc Filiatrault -Transforming a Business Through a $92M Acquisition, the Story of MDF Commerce
Ep.244 - Jean-Michel Vanier - Building greenhouses on rooftops and surpassing 100M in sales: the story of Lufa Farms
Ep. 373 - How AI Transformed a Team of 3 into Just 1.5 People (Openmind Case Study)
Ep.184 - Virgile Raingeard - Building the future of HR with a Europe-wide solution
Ep:19 - Cosmos Café - How to Generate $25 Million in Annual Revenue in the Restaurant Industry
Ep.273 - Claude Marchand - How to build a company with annual revenues of 200 million and a presence in 10 countries
Ep. 6 - Facebook Ads: 2 major updates that any Facebook advertisers should know
Ep.174 - Etienne Lacroix - Raising 150 million dollars to revolutionize industrial automation
Our November 2021 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.251 - Benoît Skinazi - REPLAY How District M acquired Sharethrough to become a leader in programmatic advertising
Becoming a Facebook Ads Media Buyer (Advice From Pros)
Ep.267 - Jérémie Gagnon - Building a group of 7 companies generating millions of dollars each, the JWG story
Ep.343 - Evolving your business model with Dominic Gagnon, Cimon Plante and Jonathan Léveillé
Ep.383 - $100,000 Invested: The Journey of J7 Media's First SaaS
Facebook : Ce que vous deviez savoir en juin 2021
Ep.233 - G-Soft raises $125M, Messi ends up in Miami and Apple enters the Metaverse
Facebook Ads: Let’s Talk Lead Generation
Ep.27. Facebook Ads: A Look Back at Black Friday 2020
Ep.289 - Cédric Morisset - How "La Cordée" went into hypergrowth, opening 3 branches in the last 14 months (REPEAT)
What budget to use for Facebook Ads
SEO : Comment générer 125 000 visites organiques par mois avec Mathieu Lessard
Ep.389 - Mélissa Robitaille - From Receptionist to CEO: Her Inspiring Journey at Syscomax
Ep. 106 (Bonus Episode in English) - Massimiliano Squillace - Successfully selling 5 companies before 40 years old
Ep.299 - Vincent Nadeau Morissette - Building a $25 million group in the agricultural field
4 Facebook Ads Campaigns for E-commerce Businesses
Ep:08 - Toast Studio - 641% Growth Over 5 Years and Canada’s 137th Fastest-Growing Company in 2018 with Co-Founder Alexandre Gravel
The client who asked us to stop their Facebook Ads...
Ep.350 - Michel Gagné - Wecook: How to maintain your leadership position in the ready-to-eat market
4 creative (that work really well) to launch on Facebook Ads
Ep.136 - Alex Wojcik - How Kimoby became the 51st fastest growing company in Canada
Ep.135 - François Roberge - How "La Vie en Rose" will reach 500 million in annual sales
Ep. 78 - Hyper Commerce : notre événement de septembre
Ep.321 - How to grow through acquisitions like Workleap, Logient and Sanivac
Episode 377 - AR Glasses: The End of Smartphones Coming Soon?
Ep.209 - GPT4, all about the new features of artificial intelligence
Ep.392 - François Chartrand - 185 languages, $40M in revenue: The secrets of Versacom
Ep: 29 - Martin Latulippe - Building Strategic Partnerships to Achieve Hypergrowth
Ep.40 - Facebook: News You Needed to Know in May 2021
Ep.217 - How to build a group of businesses through podcasting (part 1)
Ep.77 - Andrea Gomez - From 0 to $5 million in annual revenue in just 3 years
Ep.402 - Deficit, Taxes, and Productivity: How Canadian Entrepreneurs Can Adapt
REPOST - How to restructure a Facebook Ads account
Ep: 55 - Jean-Philippe Dauphinais - The 3 Biggest Lessons COVID-19 Has Taught His Company
Ep.264 - The 4 most important things we've learned from investing in online stores
Ep. 12 - Facebook Ads: 6 Creative Best Practices
Ep.66 - Vincent Godcharles - How to Achieve Hypergrowth by Acquiring 7 Companies
Facebook Ads’ #1 Secret (How to get started)
Ep: 36 - Valérie Robitaille - The Steps to Reaching a $1 Billion Business Valuation
Our March 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (P.1)
Ep.336 - Véronique Dorval - Helping over 100,000 businesses in Canada: The impact of the BDC
Ep.393 - TikTok Banned in the U.S.: 170 Million Users Affected
Ep.200 - Jean-Marc Léger - Making 14 successful acquisitions and building a company with 600 employees
Ep:16 - J7 Media - Retention and Acquisition; 2 fundamental pillars of growth for any company
Ep.403 - Anne-Marie Trudeau - $50M in Revenue, 17,000 Stores: How Trudeau Exploded
Power5 or how to collaborate with Facebook
Ep.269 - Georges Blouin - How Synchro Immobilier built $100 million in real estate assets
Our Secret Facebook Targeting Technique
Ep.278 - Meta increases profits by 164% in 1 year
Ep.341 - How to grow via company acquisitions in 2024 with Simon De Baene, Vincent Kelly and Vincent Godcharles
The #1 Facebook Ads Rule
Ep.284 - Insights from 2023 and Gemini enters the artificial intelligence market
Ep.86 - La grosse annonce de J7 Media (+ concours !)
Ep.337 - 6 million dollars to close ‘Le Panier Bleu"
Ep.101 - Business Panel - Company culture, working from home, and business development with Jean-Philippe Dauphinais and Jonathan Léveillé
10 Facebook Ads Questions For June 2024
Watch out for Retargeting! (E-Commerce Facebook Ads Case Study)
Ep. 127 - Sophie Reis - Building a rapidly-growing business while fighting cancer
Ep.137 - Cédric Watine - How to manage 3 7-figure companies in just a few hours per week
When to Invest in Facebook Ads? The Secrets of the Pros
Ep.203 - Digital Detox: A Must for Entrepreneurs?
Ep.235 - Everything you need to know about the rise and fall of the Theranos company
Everything you need to know about Facebook Ads Creatives (PACSO Method)
Ep.172 - Jessica Harnois - Selling 2.6 million bottles of Bù Wine in a single year
Ep.300 - Exclusive announcement and our business discussion after our visit to Google!
Ep.205 - What to expect from the economy in 2023 with Cimon Plante
Ep.90 - Jérémy Bendayan - Launching, Selling, and Rebuilding a Business in The Same Industry
Ep.348 - Video Podcasts: What We've Learned 143 episodes later
Ep.316 - Official Announcement: All about the first live Hypergrowth Event
Ep.302 - Biden joins Tik Tok, ArriveCan costs $59.5M and the Putin interview
Advertising Copywriting: 5 unique methods to write like a pro
Mastering your Facebook Ads offer (The PACSO Method)
Ep.365 - Laura Boivin - Behind the Scenes of a Buyout: How Laura Boivin Took Over Fumoir Grizzly
Ep.102 - Julie Lemieux - Raising $20.5 million in 12 months for Opération Enfant Soleil
Linkedin : 5 étapes sur pour générer des clients en B2B
Ep.185 - How the "Profit First" technique can help you better manage your business finances
Understanding Facebook Ads audiences (3 types)
Ep.285 - Olivier Joyal - 22 billion in market capitalization and 70,000 employees: the WSP story
Facebook Ads campaigns for e-commerce businesses
7 Frequently Asked Questions About Facebook Advertising
Facebook Ads Pixel vs. Conversion API
Ep.120 - Jean Bédard - The transformation of "La Cage Brasserie Sportive" over the past 25 years
Lead Gen: 2 Facebook Case Studies
Meta to introduce subscriptions: what are the real consequences?
Ep.171 - My current favorite books and podcasts to inspire you for the end of 2022
Ep.357 - Isabelle Le Ber - 1,100 Entrepreneurs Trained: The Success of the École d'Entrepreneurship de Beauce
Ep.145 - Brigitte Jalbert - Growing a company with 98 million in annual revenues to 206 million
Ep. 386 - Éric Lachance - Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Énergir's Bold Plan
Our Facebook Ads Audiences That Receive The Most Budget
Ep:15 - Mud Girl - Creating the Largest Obstacle Course in Canada with 50,000 Tickets Sold Per Year!
Ep: 35 - Kevin Pillu - How to Perform a 180 Degree Pivot of Your Business During COVID-19
Ep. 28. Zach Rego: Advice from a Digital Marketing Expert
Ep: 45 - Ruth Vachon - The Impressive Growth of Women’s Entrepreneurship
Ep.288 - Our favourite marketing books in 2023
Ep.208 - Steeve Thibaudeau - Acquiring more than 30,000 customers and becoming the leader in its market, the story of Acomba
Ep.249 - Kim Fuller - The power of specialization and how to become NPOs' number 1 partner
Ep. 79 - Facebook & Black Friday : notre stratégie part. 2
Discover our Facebook Ads optimization method... (PACSO)
Ep.226 - Chrystian Guy - Achieving a $2 billion valuation, the crazy story of "La Toile du Québec"
Ep:02 - Splitbase - The Art of Optimizing E-Commerce Conversions, with Raphaël Paulin Daigle, CEO
Ep.223 - What to take away from tech giants' quarterly results
Ep.35 - The Most Frequently Asked Facebook Questions (Pt.1)
Ep. 401 - From $2M a Year to $2M a Day: How Michel Delisle Transformed Avantis
Ep.322 - The latest on artificial intelligence | April 2024
Secret technique for boosting engagement on Facebook Ads
Ep.154 - Pascal Houle - How the Sollio Cooperative Group became the 9th largest corporation in Quebec
EVERYTHING you need to know about Facebook Ads Audiences (PACSO)
A 260% increase in ROAS on Facebook Ads (case study)
Ep.86 - Ray Courtemanche - The Man Behind Some of Quebec’s Biggest Real Estate Developments
Ep: 47 - Joey Khatri - Intelligent Lighting: An Industry in Hypergrowth
Ep.68 - Marc-André Campagna - How to build an 8-figure revenue business in just 4 years
Ep.167 - The incredible story of Marc Lore's repeated success
Ep.234 - Geneviève Brousseau Provencher - Building an 8-figure juice company
Ep.98 - Allan Benguigui - Achieving a $200,000 MRR with for a SAAS company without fundraising
Un nouvel iOS14 pour Facebook Ads ? (Loi 25)
Ep.64 - Bruno Guglielminetti - How to Create The Number 1 Podcast in Quebec on Digital Evolution
Ep.159 - Isabelle Côté - How Synergy Formwork will exceed 300M in sales by 2022
Ep: 22 - Duproprio - How to Make a $50 Million Exit, The Story of DuProprio
Ep.188 - Fanny Truchon - Managing a company of 750 employees with clients all over the world
Ep.128 - Gabriel Lespérance - How Wavo grew 904% in 3 years by revolutionizing music industry marketing
4 Facebook Ads tests to copy in September 2024
Ep.295 - Anthony Kuntz - Building an application with 3 million users, the DigiSchool story
Ep. 29. Facebook: The Most Important 2021 Developments
Ep.248 - Quarterly results from Meta, Coveo, Lightspeed, Google and others
Ep.220 - Jonathan Lessard - Building an organization making 10M+ in revenue at only 31 years old
6 essential rules for taking over a Facebook Ads account
Ep: 24 - Jimmy Sevigny - Building 4 Hypergrowth Businesses Thanks to Personal Branding
Ep.327 - Guy Cormier - Leading the Desjardins Group and its 56,000 employees
Ep.286 - Heading toward a recession in 2024? (with Cimon Plante)?
Ep.164 - The flip side of remote work and Starbucks NFTs
Ep:06 - Reverbère - Becoming an Industry Leader in Less Than a Year + How to Monetize Your Instagram with Charlie Fernandez, Founder
Ep. 4 - The 4 Steps to Follow to Generate $678,000 in Sales During Black Friday (part 1)
Ep.385 - 17 Essential Questions to Save Your Business Partnership
Ep.340 - Normand Therrien - Building a law firm with over 450 staff, the TCJ story
Ep.294 - My analysis of Elon Musk's biography (part 1)
5 steps to getting more clicks on your Facebook Ads
The different types of Facebook Ads!
Ep.238 - Louis Tremblay - Creating and installing 100,000 electric terminals while employing 550 people, the Story of Flo
Ep: 52 - Business Column - The Most Popular Content Among Hypergrowth Guests
Ep.216 - Maxime Boyer - Managing a company with 400 million in sales and becoming a leader in your market
How to approach your Facebook Ad creatives (PACSO method)
Ep.178 - François de Kerret - Revolutionizing the NPO industry by eliminating bank transaction fees
Ep.201 - Cléo Maheux - How to become the most successful business coach in Quebec
10 Popular Questions About Facebook Ads
Ep.100 - Louis Têtu - Create two companies with billion-dollar valuations
3 Facebook Ads Case Studies (J7 Académie Special)
Ep. 2 - How to increase your number of leads by 300% only by repurposing your content
Our February 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Part 1)
Ep.379 - After 6 years, are we ending the Hypergrowth Podcast?
Ep: 38 - Hypergrowth - 3 Business-Oriented Content You Need to Check Out This August
Ep.242 - Francis Desrochers - Raise $2M, thank all 40 employees and finally achieve sales of $700,000 a month
Free vs. Paid FB Ads Challenge 🤔
Ep.266 -Is TikTok catching up with Meta in terms of revenue?
Ep.25. The Lessons We Learned in 2020 Having Managed $12 Million in Facebook Advertising
Ep.318 - Wework escapes bankruptcy, Sam Altman is a billionaire and Google is thinking of buying Hubspot
Ep.153 - Martin Thibault - How Absolunet reached 300 employees before being acquired by Valtech
Ep.261 - Alexandre Lépine - How "Groupe Je Reçois" has gone from 10 to 30 million in sales since 2020
Ep.398 - Trump, taxes, and exports: How Canadian SMEs must adapt in 2025
Ep: 56 - Michel Jodoin - How to Incubate 3 Different Business Using the Same Technology
Ep: 33 - Ep: 33 - Popeye’s Supplements- How to Open 10 Locations in Just 1 Year with Philippe Antoine Defoy
Ep.84 - Pierre-Olivier Drouin - Developing a business that distributes over 1 million products per year
Ep.65 - Olivier Primeau - How to Monetize Your Personal Brand in 2021
Facebook Ads : 2 stratégies pour décliner vos créatifs existants
Ep.281 - Gerald Faure - Generating 11 million in annual revenue in just 2 years
Ep.272 - 8 things to know before buying a business in 2024
Ep.394 - Philippe Hudon - From 0 to 90 Employees: How Akonovia Has Been Transforming Decarbonization Since 2014
How to Advertise on Facebook (Part 2)
Ep.180 - Louis Laflamme - Building a public company with 40 million in annual revenues: The Opsens Story
Ep: 30 - Carolyn Brousseau - Building a 7-Figure Business in 12 Months With No Employees
Ep: 25 - Rablab - Degrowth for a Better Hypergrowth
Ep.39 - Facebook Ads : The 100 million dollars ad creative study
Ep: 14 - Olivier Lambert - Online Learning, a $107 Billion Industry!
Ep.346 - Alexandre Doré - Reaching 100 million in annual revenues in 8 years, the story of Transformer Table
Ep.110 - Business Panel - The current state of e-commerce with William Giroux and Anthony Vendrame
Ep.176 - Joseph Khoubbieh - Buying more than 50 companies to generate 300 million in annual revenue
Ep: 09 - Ressac - Common Mistakes to Avoid in Business Incubation
Ep.83 - Alexandre Martin - UEAT, A Company That Will Generate $1 Billion in Transactions in The Next Year
Ep.109 - François Dion - Building a company with more than 1600 employees in only 8 years
Facebook Ads: divide the cost per lead by 3! (case study)
Ep.268 - The stock market in Fall 2023
Ep.152 - Understanding the Elon Musk/Twitter saga
Ep.376 - Renaud Baudry - 750 employees, 280,000 members: Econofitness' incredible journey
Ep.395 - Marc Dutil - Canam Group: From a Quebec SME to a $3 Billion Giant
Our January 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Part 1)
Ep: 51 - Mathieu Plante - How to Multiply Your Revenue by 7 in Only 10 Months
Comment gérer une agence de marketing à New York
Our August 2021 Facebook Ads Tests
Ep.20 : Facebook Ads : What to expect in 2021
Ep.323 - Pierre-Étienne Bousquet - Managing a 60-employee company and working with some of Quebec's biggest names
Our March 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (P.2)
Ep.305 - Marie-Pier St-Hilaire - Achieving $40 million in revenues by building a group of 3 companies
5 tips for a Facebook Challenge
Ep.62 - Heyday - How to Work With World Leaders Like Decathlon, David's Tea and Danone with Etienne Mérineau
Ep. 408 - Francis Desrochers - Tariff Crisis: How to Prepare Your Business for Exporting Today
Ep. 77 - Facebook : Les news d'août 2021 (+Surprise à la fin!)
Comment éviter de lancer son argent par les fenêtres avec la publicité Facebook?
We save an e-commerce from drowning
Ep.126 - Geneviève Everell - From Absolute Poverty to Successful Entrepreneur, The Story of Miss Sushi
Facebook Ads Strategies For E-commerce Businesses
Ep.254 - How an entrepreneur builds wealth with Cimon Plante
Our February 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Part 2)
Ep.215 - Essentials for running your business from abroad
Ep.320 - Building a predictable sales system with the ACCA technique and announcing the first panelists of our event
Ep.280 - The saga behind Sam Altman's dismissal and return to Open AI
Ep.76 - Jean-Pierre Ferrandez - The Man Behind the Success of Lolë, Paradox and Indyeva
Ep.13 : Unbounce: How to Optimize Your Landing Pages in 2020
Ep.124 - Suleyka Montpetit - Build a 7-Figure Business in Just 3 Months
Ep.78 - Vincent Thériault - How to sell $255 million worth of masks to the Legault government by pivoting your business
Ep.173 - The importance of AGI for the future of society and Equifax's new employee tracking tool!
Ep.149 - Philippe-Antoine Defoy - Use this structure to build a business portfolio
Ep 10 - Professional tips for your subscription website in 2020
Ep.311 - Mike Cormier - How to manage a company with 3000 employees and 71 offices
Ep.134 - Élizabeth Coulombe - How to Raise More than $1M in 24 hours with A Socio-Financing Campaign
The Facebook Ads contest that changed everything...
Marketing d’influence : Facebook ads et marketing d’influence, un mélange explosif!
Ep.222 - Julien Haroun - Building a company that makes 30M in annual revenue in a very competitive market
Our May 2022 Facebook Ads Tests (Pt. 1)
Ep.265 - Frédéric Deshaies - Building 12 coworking spaces in Quebec, the story of Hedhofis
Ep.319 - Patrice Gilbert - Building a team of 350 employees to revolutionize the healthcare system; the story of Petal
Ep. 36 - The Most Frequently Asked Facebook Questions (Pt.2)
Ep.370 - Grégoire Baillargeon - Buying a 16 Billion Dollar Company, the Growth Story of BMO
You have to try this offer on Facebook Ads
Our 5 Tips for a Facebook Ads Challenge
The 20 best ads on Facebook Ads (excerpt from the J7 Academy)
Ep.303 - Denis Ricard - The day-to-day reality of a president managing 9000 employees, the story of Industrielle Alliance
Ep.115 - Julie Poitras-Saulnier - Building a growing business while reducing food waste, the story of LOOP Mission
How to sell an event with Facebook Ads
Increasing Your E-commerce Sales - David Grégoire’s Tip & Tricks
Ep.81 - Sylvain Perron - Building the #1 platform on Github by chance and turning it into a rapidly growing company
Ep. 364 - I have a big announcement...
Ep: 31 - Openmind Technologies - From 50 to 250 Employees By 2025: Jonathan Léveillé Ambitious Plan
4 Facebook Ads Metrics Every Beginner Should Know
Ep.142 - Catryn Pinard - Taking over a company and generating 60M in annual sales in only 6 years
Ep. 405 - Benoît Schultz - The Challenges Airbus Canada Faces in Reaching Record Production by 2025
Ep.38 - Cohort Attribution: A Complete Guide
Ep.18. Ecommerce & COVID : Advice from a pro
How to run a successful Facebook Ads Campaign (+ Questions)
Ep.218 - François Lanthier Nadeau - From intern to CEO to 8 figures
How To Prevent Facebook From Stealing Your Money
Ep.163 - Madame Labriski - Launching 4 best-selling books and building a recognized brand in the food industry
Ep.352 - Vincent Routhier - From $400,000 in debt to $20 million in sales, the Lü story
Ep. 263 -William Rouseau - Raising $25 million to become a major player in the cannabis market
Ep.211 - The importance of understanding your digital assets
Ep.32. Facebook: News You Needed to Know in March 2021
Ep.390 - Geneviève Tardif - 120M$, 250 employees, and 45 years: SM Tardif's secrets to growth
Ep.141 - Alexandre Paquet - How Leadfox was able to establish itself throughout the Francophone world from day 1
Ep.92 - Étienne Mérineau - Achieving a $60 million exit in just 4 years
We halve our cost per lead! (Facebook Ads Case Study)
The Facebook Ads Cost Cap (tutorial + case study)
Ep.391 - Plan Like Bezos: The Six-Page Memo That Changes Everything
Ep.162 - The most sought-after character traits in business owners and the story of Adam Neumann
Ep.400 - 3 YouTube Tips to Boost Your Podcast's Discoverability in 2025
BONUS: This podcast is about to change... (Social Selling too)
Ep.74 - Adrian Shauer - How to Sell 2 Tech Startups and Start 450 Employee Company
Ep.270 - How to build a reliable sales system to constantly generate new customers
Ep.358 - Dell lays off 12,500 jobs due to AI
Ep.69 - Anthony Vendrame - Poches et Fils’ Tumultuous Journey Since Appearing on “Dragon’s Den
Ep.397 - Éric St-Arnaud - How Renaissance Helped 3,600 People Find Employment in 2023
Ep.177 - Do you need a business mentor?
Restructuring a Facebook Ads account: +100% net profit
Ep.260 - The latest trends in the manufacturing industry and a new book about Elon Musk is available!
Ep.407 - Should You Sell Your Business or Keep Scaling? The Entrepreneur's Dilemma
Ep: 48 - Pauline Laigneau - Behind the Scenes of 10 Years of Exceptional Entrepreneurialism
Ep.361 - Jean Fontaine - Building a company with 700 million in annual revenues
Ep.227 - Julie Bédard - Building a group of complementary companies, the story of Graph Synergie
Ep.313 - Vincent Kelly - 6 acquisitions in just 1 year to become the biggest player in his category
Ep.31. Facebook Ads: Optimize Your Campaigns with PACSO Pt. 2
Gérer son Groupe Facebook selon Catherine Cormier
Ep.345 - Turning expenses into profits and how to increase your average order value
Ep.287 - Philippe Vachon - From an online boutique to 13 stores across Quebec
Ep: 53 - Food Hero - How Food Hero is Revolutionizing the Food Market By Acquiring 400,000 Users in 1 Year
Ep.143 - Benoît Skinazi - Comment District M a acquis Sharethrough afin de devenir un leader dans la publicité programmatique
Ep:11 - Element AI - From 7 to 530 Employees in 2 Years, or How to Set Up An International Presence From Day 1!
Ep.75 - Rodolphe Barrere - Creating a company with almost 100 employees at only 29 years old
Ep: 44 - Steve Malia - How to Build a Business with $5 million in Annual Revenue While Keeping a Full-Time Job
Ep: 21 - Hardbacon - How to Raise Over a Million Dollars With Equity Crowdfunding
Ep.250 - Uber is now profitable, downward trends with China and piracy is easier than ever
Ep.194 - The importance of a business group or mastermind for an entrepreneur
Ep.16. Podcast and online advertising, a good marketing recipe!
Ep.331 - The 4-day week with Dominic Gagnon
Ep.312 - Tik Tok to be banned in North America?
Ep.247 - The 7 stocks that will rock the NASDAQ in 2023 with Cimon Plante
How to Sell on Facebook Ads in 2025 (2 Methods)
Ep.334 - Philippe Beauchamp - 100% growth year after year, the story of Ugowork
How to qualify your B2B audience (Facebook Ads)
Ep.33 - Facebook Ads: The End of Analytics?
Ep.147 - Maxime Morin - How Rose Buddha has become a renowned brand in only 6 years
Ep.335 - The economic climate in Canada in June 2024 with Cimon Plante
Ep. 369 - 33 Rules to Follow in Business: A Recommended Read by Jonathan Léveillé
Ep.314 - Understanding the importance of digital assets (REPLAY)
Ep:17 - Camille Estephan - How to Become the Biggest Boxing Gym in Quebec in Only 10 Years
Facebook ads : 3 étapes pour créer un Lead Magnet
Ep.332 - Alain Chandonnet - How INO is revolutionizing optics-photonics in Canada
E-commerce And Facebook Advertising: Setup Guide
How to pay less on Facebook Ads (and win bids)
Ecommerce : How to Pivot Your Online Store with Phil Kyprianou
Ep.155 - Robotics in Quebec, an industry in the making?
Ep.246 - Malik Yacoubi - Raising $160 million to revolutionize the mortgage industry
Ep.308 - 30 years in business: The "long term founder" strategy explained
Ep.133 - Patrick Pierra - Selling Your Company To a Canadian Giant for $25M
4 tabs you need to know on Facebook Ads (beginner tutorial)
Ep.236 - Dominic Létourneau - From 2 to 60 employees in just 24 months, the Cozey story
Ep.206 - Simon De Baene - GSoft: Building a suite of technology products and reaching US$100M in annual revenues
Ep.326 - Documenting the launch of a new podcast!
Ep.367 - Alain Fortier - 1600 employees, 40 offices: Mallette's meteoric expansion
Ep.275 - Marc Deserres - Deserres, 115 years of history and reinvention
Ep.196 - Jean-Sébastien Daigle - Building an organization with 400 employees, the story of Société VIA
Ep.122 - Dany Gagnon - How Chrono Aviation Used Vertical Integration To Generate More Than $50 Million/Year
Ep.202 - Corey Pedneault - How Medicom has grown exponentially in recent years
Ep. 380 - Valerie Larochelle - $7.5M in 7 Years: The Story of Eugeria
Ep. 5 - The 4 Steps to Follow to Generate $678,000 in Sales During Black Friday (Part 2)
Episode 368 - Georges Karam - From 15 to 3,000 Employees: The Incredible Expansion of Atelka to 100M in Revenue
How To Make Your 2021 Black Friday A Success Using Facebook (Concrete Example)
Ep.186 - Luc Tremblay - Running the 8th largest company in Quebec for almost 7 years
Ep.140 - Geneviève Gagnon - How "La Fourmi Bionique" has grown by over 76% in the last 3 years
Are you familiar with The Facebook Ads Tripwire? (Case Studies)
Ep.296 - Are personal brands becoming stronger than corporate brands?
Ep.71 - Antoine Bisson - Conquering the manufacturing market in only 6 years by raising $20 million
Ep.293 - Jean-François Transon - Buying a company and expanding to 50 stores across Quebec, the story of Club Chaussures
Ep.374 - Robert Dumas - Managing 1.4 Trillion in Assets, the Role of the President of Sun Life
Ep. 30. Facebook Ads: Optimize Your Campaigns with PACSO Pt. 1
What you need to know about Facebook Ads in 2021
Ep.190 - Delan - How a mother and son manage to run one of the fastest growing recruitment companies in Quebec
Ep.298 - Ital Pizza - The world's largest pizza producer comes to Canada!
Case studies
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