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Ep: 36 - Valérie Robitaille - The Steps to Reaching a $1 Billion Business Valuation
Episode 36
Valérie Robitaille - The Steps to Reaching a $1 Billion Business Valuation
Wanting to build a $1 billion business requires a level of effort and discipline that few entrepreneurs could sustain.
Between the constant search for new employees and the urgent need for financing, businesses that aspire to be "unicorns" must also be on the lookout for every possible opportunity.
In episode 10, I had the pleasure of chatting with François Robitaille, VP of Finance at Xpertsea. 26 episodes later, our guest is his sister Valérie, President and CEO of the same company.
Between 2 pivots and a round of financing in the midst of a pandemic, this interview will demonstrate the incredible progress made by this Quebec tech startup over the last 18 months.
This podcast is only available in French.