Étienne Boulay - Running 5 companies after being a professional athlete

Episode 338

Étienne Boulay - Running 5 companies after being a professional athlete

Welcome to a new episode of the Hypergrowth podcast!

This week, we're joined by Étienne Boulay who explains how, after his professional career as an athlete, he launched 5 different companies.

Yes: 5 companies!

Étienne quickly understood the dynamics of the business world and the impact his personal branding could have on his companies.

We break everything down today.

Without further ado, my discussion with Étienne Boulay!

Learn more about Étienne: https://etienneboulay.com/ | https://www.instagram.com/etienneboulay22/ 

Learn more about Thirdbridge:  https://www.thirdbridge.ca/

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