6 million dollars to close ‘Le Panier Bleu"

Episode 336

6 million dollars to close ‘Le Panier Bleu"

Welcome to a new episode of the Hypergrowth podcast!

This week, Jonathan Léveillé and I talk about recent news that caught our attention:

- The government will inject $6 million to close “Le Panier Bleu”

- Amazon launches into grocery delivery

- Instagram tests "unskippable ads


Sources;Fitzgibbon did not ask the private sector to pay for the closure of the Panier Bleu | JDM (journaldemontreal.com)

Instagram tests a new ad format: Instagram confirms test of 'unskippable' ads | TechCrunch

Amazon launches grocery delivery: https://press.aboutamazon.com/2024/4/amazon-introduces-low-cost-grocery-delivery-subscription-for-prime-members-and-customers-using-ebt

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Elite Commerce podcast: https://www.purecommerce.co/fr/podcast-commerce-elite

No Pay No Play Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/facebook-ads-on-parle-de-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ration-de-leads/id1447812708?i=1000607648614


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