Pierre-Étienne Bousquet - Managing a 60-employee company and working with some of Quebec's biggest names

Pierre-Étienne Bousquet - Managing a 60-employee company and working with some of Quebec's biggest names

Welcome to a new episode of the Hypergrowth podcast!

This week, we interview Pierre-Étienne Bousquet, President and co-founder of Thirdbridge.

What is Thirdbridge?

We're talking about a service organization that builds software solutions and mobile applications.

The company grew slowly at first...before rapidly gaining momentum in 2020.

Today, this company works with some of Quebec's biggest names and employs over 60 people.

A fascinating discussion!


Learn more about Pierre-Étienne: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pebousquet/ 

Learn more about Thirdbridge: https://www.thirdbridge.ca/

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