Claude Auchu - How Lg2 became the largest independent creative agency in Canada

Episode 158

Claude Auchu - How Lg2 became the largest independent creative agency in Canada

Many large advertising agencies in Canada often choose very similar growth strategies.

Find your specialization/niche —> grow by increasing your services offered —> Get big enough to land huge contracts with huge companies.

And that's usually when the world's largest advertising groups come knocking on your door to acquire your firm.

But, is that the case for all ad agencies?

Isn't there an added value in staying 100% independent?

For the 158th episode of the Hypergrowth Podcast, I had the chance to chat with Claude Auchu, President and CEO of Canada's largest independent creative agency, Lg2.

Claude, who has been with the company since 2006, tells us how Lg2 was able to put in place an organizational structure that is quite different than usual.

He also talks about the evolutionary stages the agency has gone through to reach 500 employees at the time of recording this podcast.

Without further ado, my interview with Claude Auchu.

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*This episode is only available in French.


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