Cédric Watine - How to manage 3 7-figure companies in just a few hours per week

Episode 137

Cédric Watine - How to manage 3 7-figure companies in just a few hours per week

Today, I have the chance to chat with an entrepreneur who has greatly inspired me in recent months.

For the record, last January I was invited to give a few talks in Switzerland during a conference regrouping several dozen entrepreneurs from all over Europe.

As I’m sure you already know, such events offer the opportunity to meet a great number of inspiring people. One of the people I met was Cedric Watine, serial entrepreneur and also the host of the number 1 podcast on management in Francophone countries, Les outils du Manager.

And today on Hypergrowth, Cedric agreed to discuss his different successful companies and his management method.

In just a few hours a week, Cédric manages 3 companies, all of them generating several millions in sales.

In short, an episode that is almost more like a masterclass!

Without further ado, my discussion with Cedric Watine.

To learn more about "Les Outils du Manager": https://outilsdumanager.com/

Our new podcast Commerce Élite

To add me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoine-gagn%C3%A9-69a94366/

*This episode is only available in French.


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