How we spent less than we did last year, while increasing sales!

Study case

Complexe ICAR sells unique experiences, such as Ferrari tours, free fall simulations, rally steering, and driving on ice. The company sells its services on its website and only uses Facebook to make acquisitions.

For the period of December (Christmas), they asked us to achieve the same sales revenue as the year before, but only using 25% of the budget for the same period. 

Our Initial Assessment

  • In our previous campaigns (Christmas and Black Friday), we discovered that Facebook didn't focus enough on advertising to women, although they were the most profitable target.
  • Across the site, we had two flagship products that were always profitable, no matter the campaign.
  • The website wasn't performing as well as it had been and we were losing sales.

Our Objectives

  • Determine which products have too low an ROAS and no longer spend on them.
  • Focus on women, since Facebook didn't.
  • Design a funnel that doesn’t lose the customer.

Our Strategy

  • Design irresistible limited offers before Christmas.
  • Design dedicated landing pages so as not to lose the customer.
  • Prepare campaigns with audiences and advertisements dedicated to women.
  • Create a contest to collect emails and thus sell outside of Facebook (for free).

Case studies


A ROAS of 4.76 on Facebook only 



26% increase in CA compared to our set target 



33% of the sales revenue directly attributed to Facebook

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